Saturday, September 4, 2010

Orang Yang Tak Baca AD+IZ..

Ada 3 orang yang (mungkin) tak akan baca novel AD+IZ...


DDevil ~ my angel (once, at least) yang tak mahu @ mungkin akan menghampiri zon jiwang... Hey, we did give ourselves time but it seems time isn’t the’s something else...and we have come to the cold part now...I think it’s cool! anyway, thanks... you had done a lot, really...


D’Angel ~ we at a very different poles now... i rather live with the penguins... they are slow but also cute! Hey, i still looking at the stars...though they seem different now. Nampak lebih jauh dari dulu... Be yourself, be happy! I hope you’re can still be an ‘angel’ even if you out from the world-of-yours...


AAA ~ A friend, a crush, a guide, a teacher, an inspiration, and much more than i can imagine... Hey, ko patut baca buku aku & kutuk aku sehabis tenaga ko... memang tak sebagus penulis lain tapi at least it means something, kan? Jangan tanya bila aku start menulis. Tolong tanya, apa cerita pertama yang aku tulis. Dan aku akan jawab, cerita tentang kita; yang ada kau dan aku, dan kisah kita yang agak unik sket tu (pada aku la...). Memang tak 100% tentang kita sebab cerita kita sad ending, and I gave them happily-ever-after-ending. But we were part of it, at least... Aku masih rindu pandangan dari bangku belakang ko... I have stop dreaming about you now... Is that a good, or bad sign? I wish you could tell me... Please, rest in peace... that is the only one that i pray for you... Al-Fatihah ~ 1984 – Sept 2005 ~


Miss Kira said...

kira dah bca dah cita tu..
n memuaskan..
ending pun best jgak..
gud luck..
n congratz

azzakiah said...

hai eury, za dah bace ad+iz.. baru je abis bace pagi sgt!
za rase jalan cerita ad+iz menarik n ending yang best.. mula2 tu cam suspen gak ingatkan sad ending.. tp bace next page za dah leh tersenyum balik.. hehe... comel je! pape pun, congrats sbb dpt publish nvl ni n reach my expectation.. :)

nursya said...


akak secara da bc da ad+iz tu...
tp ada gak la watak2 tu yg kadang2 tertukar anta ad ngn iz...

tp secara overall citer dia mmg best...
thumb up 4 u...

AdahRia said...

hai eury...
adah dah beli N baca cite ad+iz...
best lah...
tak rugi membelinya....
ble eury nak wat novel bru lgi....

waniey said...

eury, saya bce dh ad+iz...bst kot..saya suka!!!congrate utk awk k...

Anonymous said...

nk sgt bca this n0vel tp still xde pluang utk membeli....asyk hbis stok je..

Anonymous said...

hi eury..
i'm a little bit late to read ur novel...just a minute ago...well maybe..hee
look for the cover not too interesting..
after liana bc...
xbleh lpe cite die...
cm true story..
really i feel that..
now i'll be ur fans...thankz for the great story =)
